Thursday, December 8, 2011

Finally joining a clan

For a while I have been looking on joining a clan.  I wanted a group that was a bit more social and relaxed rather than focused on a skill or a few skills.  I finally found one a couple of days ago and I checked them out as a 'guest' in their chat.  I put in my application in their forum and they got back to me in a day saying 'welcome'.  I am now looking forward to being part of a group in RS in a social setting and helping out on the development of the citadel and not just grinding away in combat or skilling.  If I am lucky I may be able to help out other players enjoy the game as much as I do and repay the help I have received over the years from other fellow RS players.

If you are interested in a clan check out the RS forums and browse through the various clans.  If they allow it check into their clan chat as a guest for a day or two to see how they interact before taking the next step by asking to join.

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